

2024-09-21 栏目:正能量句子 



2、Your pants look really great.

3、I’d like a suit.

4、Summer dress for summer times.

5、What's your favorite brand that you can see around Union Square?

6、Red is the new black.

7、How much does that cost?

8、When does the store open?

9、I really like uniqlo.

10、I think Diesel is a wonderful brand.

11、My favourite brand is Zara.

12、I like to often just wear vintage clothing.

13、I think oversized sunglasses are really in right now.

14、Oh, I love your t-shirt! Where did you buy it?


1、Let’s go window-shopping.


2、But no, I don't like to splash out on designer clothes too much

3、What a crowd.

4、And we've got a lot of clothes shops, a lot of kind of designer clothes shops.

5、Where is the shoe department?

6、Style is to say who you are without having to speak.

7、I usually shop around this area.

8、Would you be happy if you could afford to buy lots of brand-name products?

9、I can’t afford these branded goods.

10、Well, I like the red shirt, but it's too tight for me.

11、It's called The East End Thrift Store.

12、And I'd like to, like, wear, bright colored shoes、The taller, the better, the heel.



