

2022-06-10 栏目:经典句子  

1、What is the matter with you ?你怎么了?

2、My teachers are great、我的老师很好、

3、What eles do you want to buy?你还想买什么?

4、You should believe in youself、你应该相信你自己、

5、I have a Chinese friends、我有一个中国朋友、

6、Beijing is a beautiful city、北京是一个美丽的城市、

7、I don't think you are right、我认为你不对、

8、My hair is black、我的头发是黑色的、

9、His sister is quite quiet、他的妹妹非常内向、

10、We hardly ever go the Internetcaf'e、我们几乎没有去过网吧。

11、We agree with you、我们同意你的看法、

12、Can I help you ?我可以帮你吗?

13、we often go to the party、我们经常去聚会。

14、I am a student、我是一个学生、

15、We have six classes every day、我们每天上六节课。

16、Sally likes playing with her little brother、Sally喜欢和她的小弟弟玩、

17、That girl in red is my sister、那个穿着红色衣服的女孩是我妹妹、

18、The sunrises in the east and sets in the west、太阳从东方升起在西方落下。

19、I usually do my homework in the evenings、我经常在晚上做作业。

20、I hear that you always dance with your brother、我听说你经常和你的哥哥跳舞。

21、She has no brother、他没有兄弟、

22、she often sings in the room、她常常在房间里唱歌。

23、Do you often go to the KTV?你经常去KTV吗?

24、That red shirt is very nice、那个红色的衬衫很漂亮、

25、My friend likes to do the same things as I do、我的朋友喜欢和我做一样的事、

26、Does she often talkwith you?、她经常和你说话吗?

27、Is he always play the football with the classmates?他经常和朋友踢足球吗?

28、I have a very beautiful hat、我有一顶非常漂亮的帽子、

29、I don't have enough money、我没有足够的钱、

30、Does he takes a long walk every nights?他经常饭后散步吗?

31、I always play computer games on weekend、我经常在周末玩电脑游戏、

32、He needs our help、他需要我们的帮助、

33、You should smile all the time、你应该一直微笑、

34、There are five cats、那里有五只猫、

35、Do you play the guitar?你弹吉他吗?

36、He likes misic very much、他很喜欢音乐。

37、Lucy is at home now、露茜现在在家、



